Faculty of Education and Psychology

Mehrdad Kalantari, Ph.D.

Department of Psychology
University of Isfahan
Azadi square
Isfahan, Iran
Postal code: 8174673441


Area of Study

   I am graduated in psychology University of Isfahan Iran (B.A.) master in clinical psychology from University of Shiraz Iran And Ph.D. of Psychology from Institute of Psychiatry Kings College London. I am Professor of psychology department of psychology University of Isfahan Iran. My major field of study is greif and bereavement in children and adolescents (theory research and practice).

Bereavement And Grief In Children And Adolescents


University of London [London-England]
Ph.D., Psychology

University of Shiraz [Shiraz-Iran]
M.A. , Clinical Psychology

University of Esfahan [Esfahan-Iran]
B.A. , Psychology


My research interests Lie primarily in the area of Bereavement and Grief in Children and Adolescents.


Shojaati, A., Kalantari, M., & Mulavi, H. (2021). Do Emotional Abuse and Personality Traits Predict Early Maladaptive Schemas and Social Anxiety. Early Child Development and Care, 191(3): 389-402.

Rahimi Ahmadabadi, S., Kalantari, M., Abedi, M.R., & Modares Gharavi, M. (2021). Role of Family Function in the Prediction of Gender Dysphoria in Women and Transgender Men. Shenakht Journal of Psychology and Psychiatry, 8(1): 38-47.

Firoozikhojastehfar, R., Asgari, K., Kalantari, M., Raisi, F., & Shahvari, Z. (2021). Comparison of the Effectiveness of Cognitive–Behavioral Therapy and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy On Depression Symptoms and Hypersexual Behaviours in Patients With Sex Addiction. psycological science, 20(99): 341-352.

Samavatyan, H., Kalantari, M., Aslipoor, A., & abedi, A. (2021). The Effectiveness of Parent – Child Cognitive Behavioral Therapy on Emotional Behavioral Problems of Grief Children. Counseling Culture and Psycotherapy, 12(47): 195-220.

Safari, S., Kalantari, M., Yazdkhasti, F., Abedi, M.R., & Oreyzi, H.R. (2021). The Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on severity of symptoms and Function of children with obsessive-compulsive disorder. RBS, 18(4): 587-604.

Sherkat, M., Kalantari, M., Azarbayejani, M., & Abedi, M.R. (2020). The Effects of Education on Spiritual Intelligence on Students' Psychological Wellbeing, Anxiety, Depression, and Spiritual Intelligence. psychological science, 19(88): 483-493.

Sherkat, M., Kalantari, M., Azarbayejani, M., & Abedi, M.R. (2020). Comparison of the Effectiveness of Spiritual Intelligence Training Based on Quranic Teachings and Spiritual Intelligence Training Based on Bowell's View on Students' Psychological Well-Being. psychological science, 19(93): 1125-1140.

Ghassami, M., Amiri, S., Kalantari, M. & Talebi, H. (2020). Structural Model of The Relationship Between Maternal Attachment and Parenting Stress: Investigation of The Mediating Role of Maternal Mindfulness .psychological science, 19(85): 33-45.

Bapiri, O.A., Kalantari, M., Neshatdoost, H.T., & Oreyzi, H.R. (2020). Developing A Meaningful Model in Life and Comparing the Effectiveness of Model-Based Education With Frankel's Meaningful Concepts on Frustration and Suicidal Thoughts in Second-Year High School Girls. psychological science, 19(94): 1243-1256.

Ahmadi, Z., Amiri, Sh., Kalantari, M., Abedi, M.R. & Molavi, H. (2020). Cognitive Emotion Regulation Strategies Profile in Students with High and Low Interpersonal Sensitivity. Biannual Journal of the Iranian Psychological Association, 14(2): 15-25.

Khaneghahi, S., Sajjadian, I., Kalantari, M., & Neshatdoost, H.T. (2019). Validation and Localization the Komar Positive Package and its Effectiveness on the Symptoms of Premenstrual Syndrome. Journal of Modern Psychological Researches, 14(54): 75-91.

Kalantari, M., Neshatdost, H.T., Oreyzi, H.R. & Bapiri, O. (2019). The Structural Equations Modeling of Relationship Between Religiosity and Parenting Styles With Meaning in Life Based On Identity Styles in Female Adolescents. Quarterly Social Psychology Research, 9(33): 77-94.

Aslipoor, A., Kalantari, M., Samavatyan, H. & Abedi, A. (2019). The Lived Experience of Mothers in the Field of Affective Factors in Emotional Behavioral Problems of Grief Children. Clinical Psychology Studies, 9(36): 83-116.

Samsam Shariat, S., Neshatdoost, H.T., Kalantari, M., & Oreyzi, H.R. (2019). Comparing The Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Psychosocial Therapy on Rumination and Dysfunctional Attitude in Patients With Chronic Depression. Research in Clinical Psychology and Counseling, 9(1): 86-106.

Rahimi, S., Kalantari, M., Abedi, M.R. & Modares Gharavi, S.M. (2019). The Role of Early Maladaptive Schemas and Difficulties in Emotion Regulation in The Prediction of Gender Dysphoria in Transsexual Men. Shenakht Journal of Psychology and Psychiatry, 6(3), 144-155.

Varali, J., Kalantari, M., Neshatdoost, H.T. & Oreyzi, H.R. (2019). The System of Subjects and Concepts of the Islamic Lifestyle Theory according to Imam Ali’s Line of Conduct (Highlighting his Nahju al-Balaghah). Journal of Lifestyle, 4(2): 83-110.

Alaedini, Z., Kalantari, M., Kajbaf, M.B. & Molavi, H. (2018). Study of The Effects of Alpha/Theta Neurofeedback and Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback on Emotional and Cognitive Creativity in Elementary School Children. Advances in Cognitive Sciences, 20(2): 1-13.

Sabzian, S., Mehrabi, H., & Kalantari, M. (2018). Effect of Collaborative -Parent Â"Child Play in Reduce of Emotional Problems Symptoms in Male School Students of Isfahan. Research in Cognitive and Behavioral Sciences, 8(1): 59-76.

Samsam Shariat, M. R., Neshatdoost, H.T., Kalantari, M., & Oreyzi, H.R. (2017). Applied Indicators in Treatment Approaches of Chronic Depressive Disorders. RBS, 15(3): 386-396.

Rafeie, A., Kalantari, M., Neshatdoost, H.T. & Oreyzi, H.R. (2017). Personal Constructs of Betrayed Spouses’ Understanding of Forgiveness. Journal of Family Research, 13(1): 131-152.

More Articles

Kalantari, M. (2019). Quranic Concepts from a Psychological Point of View. Isfahan: Kankash.

Kalantari, M., (2018).Generalities and Concepts in Islamic Psychology. Isfahan: Kankash.

Fattahi, R. & Kalantari, M., (2017). Grief and Bereavement Psychotherap with an Islamic Approach . Tehran: Aftab Tose,e.

Kianzad, S., Kalantari, M. & Ebrahimi, F. (2017). My World is Not Small . Tehran: Da.

Kianzad, S., Kalantari, M. & Farahmand, H. (2017). Hyperactive Child in a Passive Family. Tehran: Da.

More Books

Teaching interests

Professional activities

Parent Training Grief Therapy in Chindren and Adolescents Spiritual Caring


Association of Child Psychology and Psychiatry

Iranian Association of Psychology


Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology Family
Therapy and Parent Training Psychopathology
Theories of Personality Mental Health

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