December 21, 2024

Our History

1959 Establishing the Department of Education as part of the Faculty of Literature and Humanities
1965 Locating the faculty in the East North of the university, consisted of the Departments of Education, Psychology and Sports Sciences, and Integration of Department of Education and Sports Sciences
1969 Establishing the Department of Psychology
1971 Establishing the Department of Librarianship
1985 Separating from the Sports Sciences
1989 Establishing the Department of Counselling
1991 Constructing the second level of the faculty building
2003 Admitting PhD students
2008 Establishing the Department of Education and Psychology of Children with Special Needs
2012 Changing the title of the Department of Librarianship into Knowledge and Information Sciences
2017 Moving to its new location in the centre of the university
دانشگاه اصغهان
Address: Isfahan, Azadi square, University of Isfahan Postal Code: 817467344
Headquarters: +98-31-37935500-1
Tel: +98-31-36683108
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